Friday, December 19, 2008

Pick n' Pen

Today I received an envelope in the mail that contained a letter from my aunt Jo Louis and a book called Pick n' Pen, the letter explained the book. This book is a collection of poems from John A. Sutter Junior High School and the cover was created by my mother when she was 14 and it includes a poem that she wrote as well.

I was so impressed when I read it, I called her to let her know and she told me the story behind it, but I'll let her tell you that if she so wishes. Maybe she will share the first part of the poem, which the school wouldn't publish.


Heidi said...

What a wonderful gift...something to hold on to forever. I also loved the poem.

Aunt Laura said...

Wow that is wonderful. What a great gift for someone to give to you. How proud of it u must be.

Molly said...

I am very proud.

Anonymous said...

Good grief Charlie Brown.

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