Saturday, July 3, 2010

No Apologies - Spanish Inquisition


Anonymous said...

Hind sight is 50/50 - However, I don't believe in trying to justify killing anyone. Yet, it was the mind set of the middle ages.

Anonymous said...

Hind sight is 50/50 - However, I don't believe in trying to justify killing anyone. Yet, it was the mind set of the middle ages.

Batjacboy said...


First of all, the expression is "Hindsight is 20/20", as in 20/20 (normal) vision. Meaning, in hindsight, everything appears clear.

But that's the point here: Brother Joseph does not look back in hindsight. He goes to original sources at the time to prove that the modern myth is a lie. That's not hindsight--that's research.

And your comment: "I don't believe in trying to justify killing anyone"--you don't believe in (just as an example) self-defense??

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