Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer Fashions

From Sunday's bulletin:

Dear Parents and Parishioners,

The fashions for this summer are of grave danger to Christian modesty. Mini-skirts and dresses, short-shorts, and very low-cut blouses are the fashions for this summer. Please remember that we are Christians, followers of Christ, children of God, and temples of the Holy Spirit. We are set apart by God's saving grace. Let us always follow our Blessed Mother's example and ask for her help. If we blend in with the pagan world, what type of witness would we be to our Baptismal promises? Our Lady says, "...and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind, and with thy whole strength." (Mark 12:30) Dressing with these styles for the summer are an offense to God and an ocassion of sin to others. Let us give Glory to God in dressing modestly for Church, work, school and play.

May God bless you!


Katie said...

AMEN!! I feel that this CAN'T be said enough!!

Katie said...

Every parish needs to include this! It's shocking what some people think is appropriate attire for Church (let alone anywhere else!) I don't mean that to be self-righteous, but what makes people think it's okay to come to church with their rear ends hanging out of their bottoms or their breasts spilling out of their tops??

Molly said...

I wish there were more sermons given on modestly.

Marilyn said...

Love this post Molly. Something we feel very strongly about in our house. I keep wanting to write a post about it - just have not had time. I would love to "borrow" the prayer.

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